Sample of tatami room (Traditional type)

photo_tatami roomphoto_tatami room

How to cover tatami mats. (a case in six-mat room)

If you are covering a 290cm x 360cm size room, you should cover mats as follows. We recommend covering 6 tatami mats in your room, then you place wood between the wall and the tatami mats.

sample of tatami room image

How to cover tatami mats. (a case in four-and-a-half-mat room)

If you are covering a 290cm x 270cm size room, you should cover mats as follows. We recommend covering 4 and a half tatami mats in your room, then you place wood between the wall and the tatami mats.


Sample of tatami-omote

tatami-omote photo
Traditional type (natural color)

tatami-beri (heri)
The edges of two sides are bound with cloth.

Sample of "HERI"
